The Grateful Traveler

IMG_E2653Welcome!  The Grateful Traveler  is a food and travel blog .

So why cover both?.. Well, why not?  it’s almost impossible to cover any destination without covering the peculiar and oh-so authentic cuisine unique to each dynamic city.

Immediately after college, I joined a major airline in Asia as an international flight attendant. I knew early on, there are so much places I needed to experience and the time to start was yesterday. I consciously put off the urge to climb the corporate ladder and opted instead to apply for a low paying, start from the bottom,  world of constant movement, with a trade-off of  jet setting one global city at a time. No regrets there. In the end, I am left with  loads of unforgettable, once-in-a-lifetime experience that I will not exchange for anything in the world.

Fast forward to today, I am fortunate that with my business ventures, I have the privilege to travel frequently.  If not traveling for work, I  literally pause and intentionally pick a city to explore every few months. (It also helps to have friends who share the same passion.) Yes, there is an internal itch that just nags me to pack my suit case almost every quarter it seems. Once I get my “travel fix” I just feel more rejuvenated. It almost feels like hitting the reset button. After each travel, I swear I am more appreciative of my work and my home. In turn,  I feel more creative and a better fellow to deal with. You can also say I am a very passionate traveler who respects, savors and relishes all the quirks, beauty and peculiarities of each culture and sites I visit.

This blog is focused on exploring must-try native delicacies , the all important do’s and don’ts and ways to optimize each stay in every city. I will also cover the most strategic and practical places to stay and visit.  In essence,  it”ll be about FUN, FOOD, and the FRENZY each city represents.

Thank you for joining me. Enjoy!
